Pembaruan Android 13 akhirnya sudah bisa didapatkan pengguna realme GT 2 Pro. Pembaruan ini lebih dulu menyasar pengguna ponsel di India. Dengan kapasitas 5,5 GB pembaruan ini membawa banyak perubahan pada ponsel.
Berikut list pembaruan dari Android 13:
Aquamorphic Design
• Adds Aquamorphic Design theme colors for enhanced visual comfort.
• Applies the Aquamorphic Design philosophy to animations to make them natural and vivid.
• Adds Shadow-Reflective Clock, with shadows to simulate the orientation of the sun and moon.
• Adds a Home screen world clock widget to show the time in different time zones.
• Upgrades to Quantum Animation Engine 4.0, with a new behavior recognition feature, which recognizes complex gestures and provides optimized interactions.
• Optimizes UI layers for a clearer and neater visual experience.
• Applies real-world physics to animations to make them look more natural and intuitive.
• Optimizes the widget design to make information easier and quicker to find.
• Optimizes fonts for better readability.
• Optimizes system icons by using the latest color scheme to make the icons easier to recognize.
• Enriches and optimizes illustrations for features by incorporating multicultural and inclusive elements.
• Adds large folders to the Home screen. You can now open an app in an enlarged folder with just one tap and turn pages in the folder with a swipe.
• Adds media playback control, and optimises the Quick Settings experience.
• Adds more markup tools for screenshot editing.
• Adds support for adding widgets to the Home screen, making information display more personalized.
• Optimizes Shelf. Swiping down on the Home screen will bring up the Shelf by default. You can search content online and on your device.
Security & privacy
• Optimizes Private Safe. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is used to encrypt all files for enhanced security of private files.
Health & Digital wellbeing
• Adds Eye comfort in Kid Space to protect children’s vision.
Gaming experience
• Upgrades to HyperBoost GPA 4.0 to stabilize the frame rate and balance the performance and power consumption in key scenarios.
Namun, pembaruan Android 13 ini masih berbasiskan realme UI 3.0. Belum ada realme UI 4.0. Mungkin realme UI 4.0 baru akan terealisasi saat mendekati akhir tahun atau mulai tahu depan.
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