Akhirnya pembaruan versi baseband RMX3363_11_A.10 hadir di ponsel saya kemarin malam. Dengan ukuran file 154 MB.
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Berikut changelog dari pembaruan versi A.10:
● Updated Android security patch: Jan 2022.
● Optimized system stability.
● Fixed a Camera crash issue when the phone is not shut off for a long time in extremely low probability.
● Fixed an issue where the application function of full-screen gesture switching, recently failed in special cases.
● Fixed an issue that line and other applications have no voice when the voice assistant is abnormal in extremely low probability.
● Fixed an issue where some Bluetooth audio devices could not adjust the volume on the phone after successfully connecting.
Pembaruan versi A.10 ini masih menggunakan sistem operasi Android 11. Ya mubgkint harus menunggu di bulan Maret 2022, yang dijadwalkan realme UI 3.0 versi stabil dirilis.
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